The Bunko Bunch
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The Basics

WHEN: On the first Tuesday of every month. See "Schedule" for more info.

TIME: 6:30 PM

WHERE: Please see the "Schedule" for hostess nights.

COST: $10 per game. Please pay in cash/check at the current game to the hostess for the following month. This amount is then used for prizes or cash awards for the next month.

$50 prize ~ MOST PUNCHES
$35 prize ~ 2ND MOST PUNCHES
$20 prize ~ MOST BUNKOS
$10 prize ~ ROLL-OFF
$5 prize ~ LEAST PUNCHES

$5 prize ~ BUNKO BUNNY

* Makes sure that all players are coming and alternate players are arranged as necessary.
* Please inform any alternate players of the prize money due.
* 4 tables, with 4 chairs at each table (if you need to borrow extra table/chairs, make arrangements) :)
* 12 dice (3 per table), pencils, paper, 12 score sheets, 1 bell for the head table (all included in the BUNKO BOX!)
* Snacks and beverages (not included in the prize money)
* Purchase prizes, gift certificates or awards cash

If you are unable to attend a game, please let the hostess know as soon as possible so she can find an alternate to take your place for that night, and contact them in a timely manner. Please remember, that it is YOUR responsibility to let the hostess know when she calls the Sunday before, or if you find out sooner to giver her a call.


If a regular player cannot play on a given month, their money that they contributed last month, will go for the alternate player. However, the alternate player is responsible to pay on the game night for the returning regular player.

If a regular player cancels less than 24 hours before game night and we're unable to find alternate player, the regular player will have to pay double the next month. (Usually $20).

If a player cancels completely out of BUNKO, they should not pay for the following month. The new regular player will be responsible for the current & following month.

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